Light and Shadow
The Primordial Star created the universe where the Star Guardians reside. Some characters are chosen to become Star Guardians to combat other dark forces.
Zoe is a member of the first generation of Star Guardians from ancient times. However, her inner desire is not for love but for chaos. She attempts to use her newly acquired powers to twist the universe into a mad spectacle. Zoe corrupts Xayah, and Rakan is corrupted in his attempt to protect her. Neeko manages to escape corruption and waits for an opportunity to rescue her teammates from Zoe's grasp.
The animated story of "Light and Shadow" is about Neeko discovering Xayah and Rakan and attempting to rescue her teammates while confronting Zoe.
Room #999,28 Guandongdian street ,3/F, East Gongxiao Building